Friday, April 27, 2007

Today is Alex's class trip to Turner Field. What an experience! The whole class is loving it! After this we're eating at the Varsity Jr. Grease will be had by all!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hybrid Cars And Fuzzy Math -

Hybrid Cars And Fuzzy Math -

Finally, a clear rebuttal to the "Hummers are more environmentally friendly than Priuses" garbage. It was so obvious in the original article that they made glaring errors, yet so many people took it at face value. Come on- they said the energy cost per mile over 100K miles was over three dollars- yet the cost of the car is only $25K and the cost of the gas for that 100K miles is less than $8K. So who's paying the rest of that $300,000?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Alex, Emily, and I are off to a banner start, enjoying the rides at AmerAdvent. Planes, Trains, and Teacups- no automobiles, but the obligatory slide, of course. Come join us!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Alex's birthday was yesterday (at Monkey Joe's), and today we are at Burger King for his birthday dinner. Can you believe these kids are growing up? I can...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lego my Wii - Joystiq

Lego my Wii - Joystiq

Seems that some people would rather play with Legos rather than play with their Wii. I don't think I know these people.

Be sure to peruse the image library by following any of the links in the article. Browse around via Next/Previous to see some great shots of the Lego Wii.