Monday, June 26, 2006

BonairePhotos - Junk Shrine
From a friend of mine:

I saw your blog entry about plastics in the ocean.

I’ve seen that exact problem when I was in Bonaire. On the western side of the island, the windward side, we saw a bunch of plastic stuff blown onto the shore.
This was made from the junk.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Found on the internet...

Going from the McMansion to the McMausoleum

Baby boomers on the downhill slide are thinking about the afterlife. And they are coming to the conclusion that it should be supersized. There is a growing market for ostentatious, very, very expensive mausoleums. “Nobody wants a cookie-cutter burial anymore,” said a funeral association rep. Claims one cemetery owner,“The mausoleum says, ‘I’m really significant in this world.’” (Or was.)

PBS - The Voyage of the Odyssey - Sailing on a Sea of Plastic

I never knew there was a location in the ocean where stuff gets trapped. It makes sense; when you have motion in multiple directions there are often high points and low points (signal interference patterns are a good example). But that we could accumulate so much plastic garbage in one place is, well, embarrassing. We really should be ashamed of ourselves.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Emily and her Glasses

Emily and her Glasses
Originally uploaded by Grand_Vizier.

Emily went for an eye exam this morning and lo and behold, she has the same problem Alex has, only not as severe. Amanda took her to the mall and they picked out some very nice glasses. Emily says she's excited - she knows she looks good in them!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Talking Cats - Google Video

"Oh Long Johnson, Oh Don Piano". See it now!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Alex and the White Belt

Tae Kwon Do 6-1-06 (49)
Originally uploaded by Grand_Vizier.

Alex broke the board and got his white belt! This was his third lesson in Tae Kwon Do and they had him take the test to get his belt. We didn't even know it was time for that, so we weren't all that prepared - Amanda wasn't even there! But given the number of belts on the wall, I'm sure she'll have plenty of chances to see him break things with various parts of his body.

BTW, the young man holding the board is Daymon Mayham, Alex's instructor for the day. He's the son of a friend and coworker, Scott Mayham. He's been doing this since he was Alex's age, and now he's a third degree black belt who has won championships - something to which Alex can aspire!