Friday, December 24, 2004

J-Pass 2.0
Ever wonder where that pesky International Space Station is? Boy, I do! Here's a site that lets you predict the visible passes. Even though my kids can see the wings, they love knowing that there's a big box flying through space hundreds of miles above them.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Finch Facts
Doh! I seem to have fallen asleep for a few months. Can you ever forgive me?

Sunday, March 07, 2004
Amanda & I decided to get rid of a lot of our CDs and videos that we've been storing in a closet. At first we thought about just dumping them, but then we thought, "Wouldn't it be more fun (and lucrative) to sell them on the Internet?" So, we've become engines of the economy and set up shop at

Sunday, February 08, 2004

I just asked my four-year-old daughter, Emily, if her brother's milk is half empty or half full. She looked at the glass for a minute, then said, "It's half".

I guess that makes her a pragmatist.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Alex's Dance Fever
Boys love train hats, and boys love to dance!
Alex's Dance Fever - Catch it!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Welcome to The Shmoo Group - Security, Crypto, and Privacy
Here it is. If you want evidence for your paranoia, this is the place to be. These people live to hack into your system. Oh, they won't steal anything - they promise.
Tinfoil Hat Linux
A great application of AFDB. I like the motto - "Careful Just Got a Console".
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
What can you say? AFDB is a great project. Make it your home page.